Hill’s A&FRC offers financial management help

HILL AIR FORCE BASE — Hill Air Force Base personnel gathered for the final course of Military Saves Week, a financial management workshop instructed by Audrey Thompson, a retired chief master sergeant now with USAA financial services. The course covered topics ranging from budgeting to saving and investing — all in an engaging and dynamic hourlong course in the Airman and Family Readiness Center.

Do you have goals for your finances? A plan? Are these ideas written down? If not, Thompson noted, these are just pipe dreams. Writing down financial goals and reviewing them upon occasion is crucial for follow-through and success. 

Participants enjoyed a complimentary lunch while learning about sound financial management for emergencies, large purchases and retirement.

Other topics covered included communicating about finances to children, budgeting, shopping around for a bank, investments, not using payday loans, identity theft, and reviewing your credit report/FICO score.

“I teach this class because it’s very rewarding. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy serving as a trained and certified volunteer of the USAA Educational Foundation,” said Thompson. “I hope that folks leave the presentation with a renewed commitment to take positive personal action to secure their financial future. Getting on the right path and taking thoughtful, small steps can lead to that outcome.”

Participants learned that one key to financial success is organization. Finding and utilizing your available resources is also critical. The A&FRC has staff members available who can speak with individuals about finances. There is no reason to suffer through debt management or any other concern alone. 

Participants like Staff Sgt. Jonathan Parry, ATOC, Information Controller, walked away with increased financial awareness and encouragement to pass their awareness and knowledge on to others. “I attended the financial management workshop because I think it is important to understand what I can do to improve my finances, as well as the finances of those I work with. Being able to obtain that info and provide to my work center helps improve the team as a whole,” said Parry.

“The biggest thing I took away is that, first, the sooner people start saving money, the better they will potentially be in the future, and if they start later, such as myself, we need to save more to reach that goal. Second, is that as a supervisor, I need to do a better job of educating those I work with, especially the new Airmen in our shop, about the importance of saving money at an earlier age.”

The Hill A&FRC provides personal financial counseling, educational classes, information and resources to Team Hill members and their families. Classes are offered to all military and DOD civilian personnel. Assistance with budgets, plans for paying off debt and improving credit scores and credit reports are also offered.

“When I see the light in an attendees eyes that indicates ‘I’ve got it’ — that is very rewarding for me,” said Thompson, in addressing why she loves teaching this course in the A&FRC. “I know that their life will be better as their financial situation becomes stable.”

Thompson also noted: “The USAA Educational Foundation has a myriad of offerings both online (for example, a free budget ops app) plus a variety of other literature that can be sent to you at no cost simply by requesting them at the Ed Foundation’s website: www.usaaedfoundation.org.”

To find out about upcoming classes, to make an individual appointment, or to get more information, contact the A&FRC at 801-777-4681.

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