Whether it’s ingredients for an Oktoberfest meal, candy for Halloween, or snacks and beverages for the big football game, the commissary is the place to shop for low prices on popular items, said Tracie Russ, the Defense Commissary Agency’s director of sales. “The fall season is always a great time to shop the commissary,” Russ said. “We’re offering daily specials throughout the stores and seasonal club packs at great savings for the upcoming holidays. We also want our patrons to know October is National Apple Month and our produce departments feature coupon bundles for savings on a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.” Each month, commissaries collaborate with their industry partners – vendors, suppliers and brokers – to offer discounts and special events. Shoppers can also go to www.commissaries.com for Commissary Rewards Card coupons, the sales flyer and a list of Value Brand items. Go to https://commissaries.com.