WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — During the months of April and May, Air Force Materiel Command will promote its Strengthening Workplace Relationships campaign.
Building and maintaining good work relationships is the key to a positive work environment. Many full-time employees spend more of their waking hours with fellow staff than they do with their families or personal friends. Co-workers rely on each other to contribute support, expertise and other resources to fulfill the AFMC mission. Benefits of establishing positive workplace relationships include enhanced teamwork, improved employee morale, increased productivity and higher employee retention rates.
To encourage positive workplace relationships:
• Be friendly and approachable to co-workers.
• Communicate effectively. The best way to connect with co-workers and reduce potential conflict at work is through open and honest communication. Your co-workers are not mind readers, so it is important to understand the need for two-way communication.
• Take responsibility. If you fail to meet deadlines and commitments, you affect the work of other employees. If you can’t complete a task on time, make sure you keep everyone involved in the loop.
• Respect people’s time. Be mindful of a colleague’s workload when you stop by to chat. During scheduled meetings, don’t make others wait for you.
• Clarify roles. Knowing everyone’s role and being familiar with the responsibility of those roles creates efficiency and flexibility. Review responsibilities when action planning.
• Participate in social events. These are great opportunities to mingle with everyone at your workplace regardless of their position. The healthy connections formed during these events will make it easier to interact at work.
Good workplace relationships and a positive work environment are important to fulfill the AFMC mission. The key to avoiding a stiff and unfriendly work environment is to treat others as you wish to be treated.
Resources on strengthening workplace relationships are available. Civilian employees can contact the Employee Assistance Program for free, confidential counseling services and in-person presentations at (800) 222-0364, or by visiting the EAP website at FOH4YOU.com. Active duty military can contact Military OneSource at (800) 342-9647, or by visiting militaryonesource.com.
For additional information on base resources for strengthening workplace relationships, visit AFMCwellness.com or contact your local Civilian Health Promotion Services team at 801-586-9586.