AF leader cites high value of AFSC

The Air Force leader responsible for efficient and effective management of Air Force resources cited the high value of the Air Force Sustainment Center during a visit here June 29.

The Honorable Lisa Disbrow, Acting Under Secretary of the Air Force and the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller, praised the work being done by AFSC units as role models for the Air Force.

Speaking at a community-hosted luncheon, Under Secretary Disbow noted that while the Air Force continues to get smaller, it remains very capable and that the AFSC units at Tinker are key components of that capability.

“The great Airmen at Tinker are doing really important work … they are enthusiastic about what they are doing and they understand the importance of what they are doing for the Air Force,” she said.

Under Secretary Disbrow, who was accompanied on the visit by the Honorable William LaPlante, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), also cited the support Tinker receives from the community.

“None of the success at Tinker would be happening without your support,” the Under Secretary told the gathering of local civic and business leaders, state and community elected officials, staff members representing Oklahoma’s Congressional Delegation and aerospace industry partners.

“You’ve really done innovative things,” she said, referencing the community’s recent work to help Tinker acquire nearly $90 million in needed property for Tinker’s current and future sustainment and logistics programs. “These are the kind of things we are looking for across the board. We are looking for ways to partner with the communities, whether it’s sharing a library, a community pool or doing something innovative with real estate that actually helps us be more productive.”

During the visit, Under Secretary Disbrow and Assistant Secretary LaPlante were briefed on the AFSC Way — an Air Force Sustainment Center program designed to continuously improve the center’s ability to deliver combat power faster, with higher quality and at less cost — and were then shown several activities where the AFSC Way is producing exceptional results.

These included looks at several Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex operations, including the F-135 engine program, KC-135 Stratotanker depot maintenance, software development, B-52 cowling shop and work on a vital upgrade to the E-3 Sentry. The two senior leaders were also provided an update on the progress here to build a KC-46A Depot Maintenance Campus in time for the new tanker’s projected delivery for depot maintenance in 2018.

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