The Base Theater was the site of a remembrance in honor of Sept. 11, 2001, as Warrior Call included a slideshow of a father's memories of his two sons, both firefighters, part of the emergency response to the attacks on that day. The remembrance, both simple and heartfelt, recalled some of what happened that day and the father's brief descriptions of who they were as individuals — their humor, their belief in what they were doing and his own conclusion that he would not have changed their decision to be firefighters. Essentially, it was part of who they were. Among his final words were that he was grateful for the years they were here.
Capt. Laura DeSio, assistant Staff Judge Advocate for the Ogden Air Logistics Center, opened the Warrior Call with a brief review of her efforts and others who have deployed to Iraq in the work to support the Iraqi court system. She reviewed the resolve of the people to rebuild their country, as some of the judicial representatives defended those accused of crimes while having to hide what they were doing so as to avoid repercussions from their fellow citizens.
DeSio called their participation heroic for their courage in supporting a more democratic system, stepping in to defend the accused, while exposing themselves and their families to danger should anyone find out about their participation in that system.
DeSio said that some efforts were made to help with the reassimilation of those just released from the Iraqi justice system so that their clothing more closely matched those of their countrymen making them less conspicuous to opposing partisan factions or other minority groups who could target them. She reported progress in this regard and also attempts to break up the predictability of release.
Warrior Call ended with a recitation of the "Airman's Creed."